Circus I 11″ x 14″
Derby, Скачки 20″ x 24″
End of the Kingdom 20″ x 16″
Flower of Inspiration, Цветок Вдохновения 11″ x 14″
Good and Bad 24″ x 18″
Gossips 11″ x 17″
Lose the Crown 24″ x 18″
Mushrooms 20″ x 20″
My Boy 24″ x 20″
Naked King, Голый Король 16″ x 12″
Princess In a Cage 13″ x 17″
See You Later Alligator! 18″ x 24″
Soviet Circus, Советский Цирк 14″ x 14″
Still Life and Archangel, Натюрморт с Архангелом 14″ x 14″
Still Life 20″ x 24″
The Little Mermaid 20″ x 16″
Total Training 20″ x 16″
Tribal Dance I 11″ x 14″
Tribal Dance II 11″ x 14″
Voland 16″ x 12″
House with the Ocean View, Дом с Видом на море 16″ x 12″ SOLD
Sad Clown, 20×20, 2003
Absolute, 20×24, 2009
Beyond Borders, 12×16, 2005
By Samovar, 14×11, 2012
Circus In Kremlin, 20×16, 2010
Defender Of the Faith, 18×18, 1996
Dog’s Life, 16×12, 2011
Book Spirit, 12×16, 2001
Family Portreit, 16×20, 2009
Five Paganini Violins, 16×20, 2011
Freezing outside, 12×12, 1999
Gargoile’s Dream 20×24, 2003
Gossip 17×11, 2002
Hippocratic Oath 20×20, 2009
Magi, 20×16, 2007
News of the Day, 14×11, 2013
Red Piano, 24×20, 2003
Sinners, 12×16, 2005