Tree Shack 36″ x 24″
Tea Party 30″ x 24″
Silenced Freedom, Замолчавшая Свобода 34″ x 34″
King of Hearts, Король Червей 36″ x 28″
Game of Cards, Игра в Карты 36″ x 36″
Don Quixote, Дон Кихот 48″ x 60″
Bird’s Houses 30″ x 24″
Beyond Borders, За Рамками 36″ x 28″
Baptism In Russia 30″ x 24″
Dreams Unfulfilled, Несбывшиеся мечты 36″ x 36″ SOLD
Fish is Dead, Рыбка умерла… 38″ x 48″ SOLD
On The Backyard, 32×36
Skull Of Wisdom, 32×16
Royal Kids, 36×36
Reincarnation, 30×30
NO HOPE, 40×30
Keep Them Safe!, 30×40
Jewish Play, 32×16
Fisherman Day 30×17
Derby in The Village, 30×17
Circus in the Village 30×24
Burning Tree, 40×20
Blues, 24×30
Tribute to A.Beardsley, 48×48
An Angel, 40×30